Welcome to our About page. Here, you can find all of the relevant information relating to the SFB F78 consortium, including our funding and institutions, as well as a little bit about our history.
The Neuro Stem Modulation Consortium (SFB F78) is a Special Research Program (SFB, “Spezialforschungsbereich”) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second funding period, which began in March 2024, is four years. The first funding period was from 2020 to 2024.

Second phase 2024-2028
The second funding period of the Neuro Stem Modulation consortium consists of 12 research groups across four institutions. Jürgen Knoblich, Elly Tanaka, Noelia Urban and Sofia Grade (IMBA); Gaia Novarino, Simon Hippenmeyer, Anna Kicheva and Lora Sweeney (ISTA); Kristin Tessmar-Raible and Florian Raible (Max Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna); Frank Edenhofer (University of Innsbruck) and Igor Adameyko (MedUni Wien).
First phase 2020-2024
The first funding period of the Neuro Stem Modulation consortium consisted of 10 research groups across four institutions. Jürgen Knoblich and Noelia Urban (IMBA); Elly Tanaka (IMP); Gaia Novarino, Simon Hippenmeyer and Anna Kicheva (ISTA); Kristin Tessmar-Raible and Florian Raible (Max Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna); Frank Edenhofer (University of Innsbruck) and Arndt von Haeseler (CIBIV, University of Vienna).
One of the great strengths of the SFB F78 consortium is its integration of multiple groups from across Austria. Here, you can learn more about their host institutions.

Jürgen Knoblich, Elly Tanaka, Noelia Urban and Sofia Grade
IMBA (Institute of Molecular Biotechnology) is an academic research institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) that conducts basic molecular biology and medicine research.
IMBA is located at the Vienna BioCenter, Vienna, Austria.
Gaia Novarino, Simon Hippenmeyer, Anna Kicheva and Lora Sweeney
The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) is a research institute that opened in 2009 and focuses on basic research in natural sciences, mathematics, and computer science.
ISTA is located in the heart of the Vienna woods in Maria Gugging, Klosterneuburg, Austria.

University of Vienna
Kristin Tessmar-Raible and Florian Raible
The University of Vienna is a research university founded in 1365. It is the oldest in the German-speaking world. The new biology building opened in 2021, bringing the faculty of life sciences to the Vienna BioCentre.
The University of Vienna is located in Vienna, Austria.
Medical University of Vienna
Igor Adameyko
The Medical University of Vienna (MedUni) is the largest medical organisation in Austria and one of the leading research institutions in Europe.
MedUni is located in Vienna, Austria.

University of Innsbruck
Frank Edenhofer
The University of Innsbruck is a public research university with a wide range of scientific disciplines. It is the largest educational facility in Tyrol.
The University of Innsbruck is located in Innsbruck, Austria.